We were reminded that it is still winter here when we loaded into cars at Dulles. Lots of snow on the ground and 41 degrees with winds making it feel even colder. So much for the tropics and temperatures in the 80's!
Thanks to everyone who has followed this blog, wished me and others well, prayed and sustained us for the past 8 days. Words cannot express my appreciation for your support. I know that God wanted me to be on this trip, and He wanted me to tell you about Panama and His people there, to get you involved in this partnership, and for me to be changed forever from this experience! How great is that?
I have never been prouder to be a Baptist than I am right now. It is humbling to be a part of the early stages of this exciting Virginia/Panama partnership. It is an honor to get to know and work alongside some of the finest Virginia Baptists there are, from Pastors to Directors of Missions to lay missions committee members to members of the Virginia Baptist Mission Board and leaders in all capacities in the Baptist Church.
Dios Bendiga!
Panama Bob