Thursday, February 3, 2011

Home Again

On Wednesday evening I arrived safely at home, thanks to so many people who helped us get from Panama City to Atlanta, then Atlanta to Washington Dulles, then to Richmond. We had no trouble in Atlanta getting through U.S. Customs, and found out later that 10,000 flights had been cancelled due to bad weather all over the states. I guess air traffic coming from the tropics was blessed by the absence of travelers from the rest of the country.
We were reminded that it is still winter here when we loaded into cars at Dulles. Lots of snow on the ground and 41 degrees with winds making it feel even colder. So much for the tropics and temperatures in the 80's!

Thanks to everyone who has followed this blog, wished me and others well, prayed and sustained us for the past 8 days. Words cannot express my appreciation for your support. I know that God wanted me to be on this trip, and He wanted me to tell you about Panama and His people there, to get you involved in this partnership, and for me to be changed forever from this experience! How great is that?

I have never been prouder to be a Baptist than I am right now. It is humbling to be a part of the early stages of this exciting Virginia/Panama partnership. It is an honor to get to know and work alongside some of the finest Virginia Baptists there are, from Pastors to Directors of Missions to lay missions committee members to members of the Virginia Baptist Mission Board and leaders in all capacities in the Baptist Church.

Dios Bendiga!
Panama Bob

Where we were in Panama

Gracias a Hermano Ulises (thanks, Brother Ulysses) for this map of where our team visited churches in the Chiriqui and Ngobe Bugle regions of Panama. If you look far back to the east you will see the Panama Canal, and to the right of that is the capital city of Panama (labeled Panama). If it is helpful, click on the map to get a fuller view.

Thanks for your prayers,
Panama Bob

Reunion at Hotel Riando

On Tuesday afternoon, all the teams reunited at the Hotel Riando near the airport in Panama City. We were joined by Brothers Abel and Francisco, and gave our reports on what our experience was like as we traveled in small teams to different parts of Panama. Fortunately for all of us, Jay Butcher was our traveling videographer and he captured most of the reports on film.

We all will provide written reports to Craig Waddell at VBMB, but unanimously experiences were humbling, awesome, and a testament to how great our God is and how powerful the Holy Spirit moves within His people.

Among the kinds of needs the Panamanians have were having folks come and do VBS, teach ESL, work alongside their teams to build "churches" (concrete slab with four support beams and a metal roof), horses so their pastors can ride out to the country and evangelize, discipleship training, leadership training, teachers of all kinds, and many others. They are also putting together a list of ways they can come to Virginia and help us. Here is a picture of Pastor Ulysses (on the left) at his church.

What a great experience this has been. On Wednesday we get up very early to get to the airport and begin our journey back to Virginia.

Buenos Noches!
Panama Bob

Monday Recap

On Monday morning we met with Pastors Teodoro and Ulysses to debrief and prioritize the needs in their region (Chiriqui). They asked John, Will and I how long we had been traveling around together doing this kind of work. When we told them we had just met, and only started to get to know each other a few days before they were very surprised. It made me think how far we have come as a team and how much we all loved working and getting to know the people of the western part of the country.

Their needs are so basic, like transportation and education, and yet they do so much with so little. It is humbling and embarrassing how strong their faith is compared to mine.
It is a good thing I came on this trip so I could experience this revival going on in God's people of Panama!

In the afternoon we took the 7-hour bus ride back to Panama City and checked in to a hotel on the grounds of the old U.S. military base. Here's a picture of my teammates John Miller (sitting) and Will Taton in front of the Allwood Inn.

hasta luego!
Panama Bob