Monday, January 31, 2011

Views in Panama

We have seen so much beauty here in Panama. I wanted to post some more pictures from the areas we have visited. This was the first rainbow I have seen since Pastor Craig gave his sermon on God's covenant and reminder to Himself. It looks like the church we are approaching is at the end of the rainbow!
Today my small team travels back to Panama City (7 hours bus ride) to re-group with the Va. Baptist delegation and tomorrow we report back to the Panama Baptist Convention what we have seen and how we have seen God working in the lives of churches and missions here in Panama.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Visit to Ngobe Bugle Tribe

Sunday afternoon we drove 2 hours from David to see the project sites that are part of the Ngobe Bugle tribe territory. They have outgrown their current church and need to expand. When we first arrived, the young boys were playing baseball.

While we were there they entertained us with
"How Great Thou Art" sung in their own language.

Here are some pictures from their land which may look primitive. I felt
like I was stuck in some land that time forgot.

Sunday Morning Worship

John Miller from Virginia preached at Pastor Ricardo's home just outside David, Panama. There were about 30 people in attendance this morning.

Sunday Morning in David, Panama

This morning my team will split up and go to worship in 3 different churches in the Chiriqui area. We will get a chance to speak during the worship service, and Will is going to be preaching at Pastor Teodoro's church this morning. It is exciting to see and hear what a revival is going on in Panama.
This afternoon we will venture even farther away to Bocas del Toro, on the other side of the volcanoes from here. There the partnership is providing horses and riding gear to the churches. We will also see areas where they wish to have churches built. The plans are already drawn up for a concrete slab foundation and steel roofing. They desire 7 churches to be built in the area. It is anticipated that seven workers can build a church in one week. What a blessing it will be if Virginia Baptists work side by side with Panama Baptists to get this done early in 2011.
hasta la vista,
Panama Bob

Saturday, January 29, 2011

God At Work in Panama

Today, Saturday, we got an early start from the town of David (pronounced Dah-veed) and traveled far to see and hear firsthand of the church needs in the western part of Panama. Nearly all churches need some kind of discipleship training to grow their members into missional lay persons. Most churches have some kind of outreach, then once they obtain members it is difficult to keep them engaged and active.
We traveled from David to Boquete, Cerro Punta, and other parts of Chiriqui. There was lots of car riding to get us back and forth.
We met the pastors and some of their members at the churches and were touched by their desire to do God's work with very little in the way of materials. In all we visited six different churches in our 12 hour travel day.

Adios Panama Baptist Convention

On Friday morning we had to leave the Panama Baptist Convention before it ended in order to travel back to Panama City by bus (2 hours). Once in Panama City we took another bus 7 hours to the town of David, in the western part of the country. It was a very long day and we are ready to see the potential mission sites and hear how God is working in the remote areas of Panama.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Va. Baptists and Panama Baptists Partnering

Jerry Jones from the Virginia Baptist Mission Board briefly addressed the Panama convention on Wednesday evening. Hopefully I attached a video of Jerry's brief and inspiring comments and you can hear in English and Spanish. Jerry is wearing a shirt made by the Kuna people.

Peace and Grace.

Panama Bob

Baptist Leaders

Greetings from Panama! Here are some of the world's great evangelism leaders all in one place. It has been a pleasure to rub elbows (that is not a strange Panamanian custom) with Abel and Francisco (Vice President and President of the Panama Baptist Convention), along with Jerry, Daniel, and Dennis. We have made many new friends and soaked in all the warmth of this place.

Peace and love,
Panama Bob

Wednesday Night Service

What a joy it has been to be in the company of some of the world's finest Christians! On Wednesday we got to hear great music and singing, seeing amazing dancers performing, hear wonderful testimonies, and feel the presence of unity and love. I (hopefully) have attached a video of the dancers so you can have a taste of that experience.
We got reports of snow and cold weather on Wednesday in Virginia. The weather here? Upper 80's with lots of sun, unbelievable flowers and trees, with a nice tropical breeze off the ocean at night. Tough duty, but someone had to step up and take it on!

The Holy Spirit is moving in great ways here in Panama. What about where you are?

Blessings on you!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Welcome from the Panama Convention President

This morning we were warmly welcomed by Francisco Medina, President of the Panama Baptist Convention. His challenge to the Convention attendees will be to become more missional as individuals and to take back to their respective congregations a focus on looking outwards to the needs of their communities. Many congregations have been looking inward, by habit, and they seek a change.

We had lunch with some of the early Convention attendees, and I got to practice a little Spanish while trying to communicate with Panamanian brothers and sisters.

The Panama Convention leadership message was also that we should seek to glorify God will all the works of this new partnership.

Safe Arrival in Panama!

After a long day of travel, we are safe and sound in Panama. I have met so many wonderful people in the first day, and am looking forward to much more on Wednesday. I awoke this morning to sun rise over the Pacific Ocean. Amazing! The picture is out of our patio door, with the ocean in the background.

We drove over the Bridge of the Americas last night very late, and got to see our first glimpse of the Panama Canal.
Blessings on you today, I will write more later.

God is good, all the time!

Friday, January 21, 2011

The Lord's Prayer

"Padre nuestro que estas en el cielo, santificado sea tu nombre. Que venga tu reino, que se haga en la tierra lo que tu quieres, asi como se hace en el cielo. Danos el pan que necesitamos cada dia, y perdonanos el mal qu hemos hecho, como nosotros perdonamos a los que nos hacen mal. No nos dejes caer en tentacion, sino libranos del mal. Porque tuyo es el reino y el poder y el gloria por siempre. Amen."

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Panama Trip Preparation

The Virginia Baptist partnership with the Panama Baptist Convention begins in 2011!

The Panama Baptist Convention is embarking with special emphasis on evangelism, unity, and leadership. Under these themes they will suggest projects that may include medical missions, outreach, construction and leadership training.

Representatives from Virginia will travel to Panama on January 25 to attend the Panama Baptist Convention. Dr. John Upton is scheduled to speak at the Convention.

I am humbled and honored to be part of the team from Virginia going on this trip. Our goal is to listen to what God is doing through our brothers and sisters in Panama and to exchange ideas for partnership projects. After the Convention, Virginia Baptists will travel in small groups with their Panama hosts to view, discuss, and consider possible missions opportunities in the different regions of Panama. Requests will be documented and sent to the Panama Baptist Convention for evaluation and prioritization. We are also there to build relationships, both at the Convention and in the different areas of the country.

One team has just returned from Panama where they conducted Vacation Bible School for approximately 150 young people. Impact! Panama will provide a weeklong mission opportunity for Virginians in the summer.

We will leave on January 25th and land in Panama City. The Convention is about 2 hours away from the city. We will return from Panama City to Dulles on Wednesday, Feb. 2nd (Groundhog Day in the U.S.).

It is my goal to update this blog as often as I am able. Please feel free to tell others about the blog, and offer any comments you would like to on the blog.

blessings on you,

hasta la vista,

Panama Bob

"Pero recibirán poder cuando el Espíritu Santo venga a sus vidas. Entonces hablarán de mí en la cuidad de Jerusalén, en los países de Judea y Samaria y hasta lo ultimo de la tierra." Hechos 1:8